Special Education

MSAD 60 is committed to identifying, evaluating, and supporting children within the district or attending private schools in the area who may qualify for special education services or accommodations.
Eligible children include those with:
Developmental delay
Emotional or behavioral disabilities
Hearing impairments
Intellectual disabilities
Multiple disabilities
Orthopedic impairments
Other health impairments
Specific learning disabilities
Speech or language impairments
Traumatic brain injuries
Visual impairments
If you believe your child may have a disability requiring special education services, or if you need more information, please contact your child’s teacher, principal, or the Special Education Department at (207) 676-2234 ext. 6.

Student Records
MSAD 60 maintains special education records for 10 years following a student’s graduation or exit from the school system. These records are securely stored during this period. At the end of the 10th year, in July, the records are permanently shredded to ensure confidentiality. If you wish to obtain copies of these records before they are destroyed, please contact the Special Education Department at (207) 676-2234 ext. 6.
Special Education
"Special Education" means specially designed instruction, at no cost to parents, to meet the unique needs of children with disabilities, as defined by the commissioner, including: (a) Instruction conducted in the classroom, in the home, in hospitals and institutions and in other settings; and (b) Instruction in physical education. (MSSR 20-A 7001.5)
Individualized Education Plan
The Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is a written document that describes the educational plan designed to meet your child's individual needs. Every child who receives special education must have an IEP.
An individual evaluation means any procedures, tests, or assessments, including observations, given individually to your child to find out whether he or she has a disability and/or to identify his or her special needs. The term does not include basic tests given to groups of children in a school, grade or class.
Section 504
Section 504 is part of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which was enacted by Congress to combat discrimination against individuals with disabilities in services, programs and activities administered by any entity that received federal funds, including public schools.
Adverse Effect
Adverse effect/Adversely affects. The word “adverse” commonly means “harmful, impeding, obstructing, or detrimental.” To “adversely affect” means to have a negative impact that is more than a minor or transient hindrance, evidenced by findings and observations based on data sources and objective assessments with replicable results. An adverse effect on educational performance does not include a developmentally appropriate characteristic of age/grade peers in the general population.
Contact Us
Special Education Director
Melissa Adams
Assistant Special Education Director
Nicole Bothwell
Admin Assistant
Talia Pierce
Amanda Crim
MSAD 60 Central Office
Special Education
100 Noble Way
North Berwick, ME 03906
Call: 207-676-2234 EXT 6
Fax: 207-676-3215