The Board of Directors does not intend for the school unit to become a forum for the public to communicate with students or employees. In general, except when invited as part of a school-sponsored function, non-school individuals and groups shall not be permitted on school premises to distribute materials or to otherwise communicate with students and/or employees.
The Superintendent may permit community organizations to disseminate information concerning youth programs and activities, subject to the following conditions:
A. Community organizations include but may not be limited to municipal recreation departments, local youth athletic programs, Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, and similar organizations providing services to school-aged youth, which the Superintendent finds will directly enhance the educational goals of the schools.
B. The material shall be submitted to the Superintendent for his/her review.
C. The Superintendent shall retain the discretion to decline to disseminate any information he/she deems inappropriate and/or which does not directly enhance the educational goals of the school. The Superintendent’s decision shall be final.
D. If dissemination of material is approved by the Superintendent, material will be posted on electronic community board and on individual school community boards.
Adopted: November 12, 1992
Revised: May 24, 2001
Revised; January 7, 2016