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Writer's picture: Brett SaucierBrett Saucier



1.0 The Board of Directors recognizes the role of booster clubs in assisting the schools in enriching extra- and co-curricular activities and enabling more students to participate in such activities.  A booster club is a parent and/or community club that is organized for the purpose of providing resources to support a particular sport or activity in the school or school system and to support the school in recognizing student participation in athletics and activities.   

2.0 Only those booster clubs that have been approved by the Athletic Director/School Principal may use the name and/or logo of M.S.A.D.#60 or its schools.  All booster clubs must follow school and district policies.

3.0 In order to be approved as a booster club, a club must meet the following criteria: 

3.1 The club must be adults; 

3.2 The booster president or designee must make application to the Director of Athletics/School Principal for all uses of school facilities for fund raising projects, in accordance with the Board’s facilities use policy and procedures (Policies KG, KG-R, KG-P); 

3.3 Use of school facilities by the club will comply with all policies and regulations established by the Board and, as applicable, the Maine Principals' Association; 

3.4 All fundraising activities must be approved in advance by the Athletic Director/School Principal. All booster clubs must follow board policy and MPA Sport Season Policy regarding fundraising. Any promotion, advertising, or announcement of booster activities must have advance approval of the Athletic Director/School Principal. Clubs must also follow the district’s Nutritional Guidelines for concession stands.

3.5 Fundraising activities will not be conducted within the school during school hours. Students and staff may assist booster club activities provided the assistance does not occur during instructional time.

3.6 All funds raised by the club must be used to achieve the stated purposes of the club; 

 3.7 Booster clubs may choose to be independent entities with their own tax identification number. In such cases:

A. The Booster club may not lawfully use the school’s sales tax exemption for purchases or sales; 

B. The club must maintain bank and financial records separate from the school.  The organization will provide to the Board quarterly or upon request, a complete set of financial records: 

C. A copy of the bank statement and bank reconciliation assuring that the cash on 

the balance sheet agrees with the reconciliation, 

D. A summary statement of revenues and expenditures

E. A detailed statement of revenues and expenses; 

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F.  At the Board's discretion, booster clubs may be required to submit to an independent audit conducted by a certified, independent auditor at the club's expense, and shall include all records since the last audit; 

3.8 If a booster club does not wish to be an independent entity, it may use the district’s tax identification number.  In such cases, the club must maintain an individual account in the Office of the Principal. All funds raised by the booster club will be submitted as soon as possible to the Athletic department for deposit into that booster club’s account through the Office of the Principal.  The Athletic Director shall be notified of spending requests recommended by the booster club prior to the distribution of funds and all payments must be made through the Office of the Principal. Each booster club may maintain a petty cash account of up to $500, which must be turned in for final reconciliation within one month of the end of the sports season.

3.9 All booster club members must follow the MSAD 60 Cash Handling Policy.  

3.10 Booster club gifts to students shall relate to the activity; 

3.11 The Board will consider gender equity and budget implications before accepting Booster club donations; 

3.12 Any booster club plan or project that would require expansion, renovation, or 

construction of school facilities or would increase maintenance costs for facilities shall 

require Board approval; 

3.13 Any booster club plan to provide awards or recognition to teams or individual students must be approved by the appropriate administrator before any gift is purchased;  

3.14 The Varsity Coach will be included in the booster club’s decision-making process.  No coach or immediate family members of the coach will have sole fiscal or management responsibilities in the club. 

3.15 Booster clubs may not directly pay coaches or officials unless appropriate tax documentation is collected before payment is made or the payment goes through the M.S.A.D.#60 payroll account.

3.16 Booster clubs will not influence the selection of coaches, assistant coaches or 

advisors nor assume any supervisory responsibility of coaches or advisors.   

4.0 The Board reserves the right to revoke the approval of any booster club if it is found that 

the club’s operations and purposes are inconsistent with Board policies. 

Adopted:  May 28, 2009

Cross Reference: JJIBC

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