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Writer: Brett SaucierBrett Saucier

Updated: Feb 3, 2020

ADC-R Procedure



Administrators in all buildings will be responsible for communicating the consequences of the tobacco policy to their students.  Students will be made very well aware of the consequences of bringing tobacco to the school grounds and this will be strictly enforced.  Administrators will attach their regulations to this policy in their school’s policy manual.

Grades K-7

First Offense:  A written notice will be sent to the parent or legal guardian regarding the tobacco violation that shall be signed by the parent or legal guardian and returned to school.  The school administrator will hold a conference with the student who has violated the tobacco policy and the student will be referred to the school nurse for further assessment.

Second Offense:  A written notice will be sent to the parent or legal guardian regarding the tobacco violation that shall be signed by the parent or legal guardian and returned to school.  The school administrator will hold a conference with the student who has violated the tobacco policy and the student will be referred to the school nurse for further assessment.  The student will also be referred to the police with the confiscated material. In addition, the student will be issued a detention that should include a tobacco prevention education component.  The student will be given resources for available cessation programs.

Third Offense:  A written notice will be sent to the parent or legal guardian regarding the tobacco violation that shall be signed by the parent or legal guardian and returned to school.  The school administrator will hold a conference with the student who has violated the tobacco policy and the student will be referred to the school nurse and school counselor for further assessment.  The student will also be referred to the police with the confiscated material. The student’s record will be reviewed and acted on by administration to determine if suspension and/or community service is required.  A police report will be filed and processed for action.

Grades 8-12

First Offense:  1-day suspension. A report will be filed with the police department documenting the violation for possible court proceeding and the student will be provided information about smoking cessation programs.

Second Offense: 2-day suspension. A report will be filed with the police department documenting the violation for a possible court proceeding and the student will be provided information about smoking cessation programs.

Third Offense: 4-day suspension. A report will be filed and processed for court action.  High School students will be referred to the Discipline Review Team and the student will be provided information about smoking cessation programs.

After the Third Offense: The student’s record will be reviewed and acted on by the Superintendent and School Board for possible expulsion and/or long-term suspension.  A police report will be filed and processed for action and the student will be provided with information about smoking cessation programs.


Faculty and staff are included in provisions of the state law, which prohibits tobacco use on school property and school vehicles.  Those staff members violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary actions outlined in the employee manual.  These actions will also be attached to this policy in the school’s policy manual.  Any investigation into violations of this policy by staff will follow due process as outlined in the applicable union contract.

First Offense:  Written warning by the appropriate administrator.  In addition, staff members will also be given access to local smoking cessation program at district expense.

Second Offense:  A one day suspension without pay, a formal written reprimand by the appropriate administrator will be placed in the personnel file and the staff member will be referred to a smoking cessation program at their expense.

Third Offense:  The staff member will be required to meet with the Superintendent to discuss incidents.  In addition, a referral to a smoking cessation program will be given and they may be subject to a possible suspension without pay or dismissal.


Visitors must comply with the regulations set forth in this policy by the MSAD #60 School Board.  Smoking or the use of tobacco on school property by visitors is prohibited. This includes non-school hours and all functions, athletic or otherwise, that take place on school property.

Anyone found smoking or using tobacco products will be informed of the school tobacco-free policy and asked to refrain from use while on school property.  If the visitor does not comply, they will be asked to leave school property. If the visitor refuses to leave, law enforcement will be called.

Legal References: 22 MRSA Subsection 1578-B 

Me. PL470 (An Act to Reduce Tobacco Use by Minors)

20 USC 6081 (Pro-Children Act of 1994-Goals 2000)

Adopted: December 8, 1994

Revised: October 19, 2000

Revised: June 26, 2003

Revised: March 17, 2011

Revised: December 4, 2014

Revised: December 28, 2016

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