January 10, 2021
Dear Noble Community;
Welcome 2021! The purpose of this communication is to share some updates and reminders as we head into our hybrid learning model tomorrow (Monday, January 11, 2021).
Thank you for continuing the strong communication with school-based nurses and administrators regarding general illness and COVID-19 diagnosis. Our district needs the continued commitment from all families and staff around symptom screening and the following of the Health and Safety Guidelines to remain open in the hybrid learning model.
Reports from the Maine CDC at the state level show that schools remain safe places for students and staff. MSAD #60 wants to continue with that trend heading into the next several weeks, therefore, we ask for our entire school community to follow guidelines below:
Quarantine for 10 days upon returning to Maine from travel to other states. New Hampshire and Vermont are the only two current states where quarantining is not required. Please see this link for more information: COVID-19: Travel | Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) | Airborne Disease Surveillance Epidemiology Program | MeCDC
Please do not send your child to school if anyone in the household (including your child) is awaiting results for COVID-19 or tested positive for COVID-19.
Please keep your child home from school to monitor symptoms if your family or child has been identified as a close contact to someone who tested positive for COVID-19.
Please monitor your child for illnesses each and every day and do not send your child to school if he/she has any symptoms. Here is a reminder on symptom screening: https://www.maine.gov/doe/sites/maine.gov.doe/files/inline-files/Pre-Screening%20Tool_11.pdf
We completely understand how busy family life is on a daily basis and how challenging it is to make last minute shifts in schedules if a child shows any symptoms of illness. That said, it is imperative to refrain from sending a child to school with symptoms. There are well over two thousand students and staff in district buildings each week. We all need to work together to make sure we are doing our part to mitigate exposure for everyone.
There were a number of positive cases reported to school-based nurses and administration during the December break. Due to the timing of the cases it was not necessary for the district to send out communication about close contacts or quarantining. The plan to have four days of remote learning for all kindergarten through grade twelve students leading into break went a long way for things to settle down and we want to keep numbers trending down rather than up. Your partnership is crucial in this process. NOBLE is a fantastic community. We can do this!
Audra E. Beauvais