Dear Noble Community,
You have likely seen the news of the horrific elementary school shooting that occurred yesterday afternoon in Uvalde, Texas. Our hearts are heavy as we think about the tragic loss of lives and the impact on the families and community of Uvalde. Coming on the heels of the violence and loss of life in Buffalo, NY just last week, we are compelled to reach out to the Noble community.
We understand that whenever there is school violence it causes fear for a number of students, families, and staff. It is difficult to predict how anyone will react to a traumatic event. We have numerous resources in each of the school buildings to help support students and staff if they are feeling scared or anxious. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher, school counselor, or school administrator.
We also remain unyielding in our commitment to ensuring the safety of everyone in our schools. We have strong measures in place to ensure the safety and security of our students and staff, and we will continue to assess and shape those measures routinely so they remain as strong as possible.
If you would like some guidance about how best to talk to your children about the tragedy in Uvalde yesterday please see the attached document. This document provides some suggestions to start a conversation, but you know your child best.
Audra Beauvais
Superintendent of Schools