Happy Summer Everyone,
I hope you are finding some relief from the heat and are able to enjoy some family time with your children this summer. We have been working hard in preparation for the start of the 2022-23 school year. Annually, we need to ensure that we have proper contact information on file for every student in attendance. Rather than a paper and pen process, we give parents and guardians access to Infinite Campus to update these electronically. Please take a moment to log into your Infinite Campus Portal account in order to complete the annual update process.

As you may know, we are desperately short of Bus Drivers, so you will notice a question allowing you to OPT - OUT of using MSAD #60 transportation at this time. Prompt completion of the Annual update will greatly assist us in refining our bus routes in order to accommodate all families who require transportation.
All parents & guardians without an active parent account have received an automated email from infinite campus, with their unique account creation link. If your link has expired, please let us know via the Technology Help Desk.

If you have forgotten your Username or Password, please use the related links on the portal page to recover them.
Please complete your annual update as soon as possible, with a deadline of August 10th. This will allow us to finalize bus routes and verify proof of residency prior to the start of school.
Thank you so much for your attention to this important matter.
Click here to open the Infinite Campus Portal and get started!
Chris Russo
Technology Director
MSAD #60