January 24, 2021
Dear MSAD #60 Community;
This is being sent to inform the community of updated positive case information:
An individual associated with Eric L. Knowlton School has tested positive for COVID-19. Close contacts have been notified.
An individual associated with Noble Middle School (grades 6,7) has tested positive for COVID-19. Close contacts have been notified. Out of an abundance of caution, one class (not a team), will be participating in remote learning on 1/25 and 1/26/21.
There are a few other positive cases to report but due to the timing, these cases do not have impact on close contacts/contact tracing in the school setting:
One individual at North Berwick Elementary School
One individual at Eric L. Knowlton School
One individual at Noble High School
Please continue to monitor your child for any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 and please do not send your child to school if he/she has been tested and you are awaiting results. If you have any questions, please contact your school’s nurse.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our entire school community for open communication and efforts in safeguarding students from entering buildings when someone at home, or the student directly, is displaying symptoms. Keeping our school buildings safe and open is a community effort and we appreciate the continued vigilance.
Audra E. Beauvais
Superintendent of Schools