January 31, 2021
Dear MSAD #60 Community;
This is being sent to inform the community of updated positive case information:
An individual associated with Noble High School has tested positive for COVID-19. Due to timing, this case does not have impact on close contacts/contact tracing in the school setting.
There are two individuals who have tested positive at Knowlton School. Close contacts have been notified. Due to these two most recent cases, and a fluctuation in staffing throughout the building, it is necessary for Knowlton School students and staff to participate in remote learning for two to three days. We realize this notification is occurring on very short notice. We apologize for that but reached out to our community as soon as we received information. Further communication to Knowlton families will occur on Wednesday. We appreciate your understanding.
Please continue to monitor your child for any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 and please do not send your child to school if he/she has been tested and you are awaiting results. If you have any questions, please contact your school’s nurse.
Audra E. Beauvais
Superintendent of Schools