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Writer's pictureJennifer Flewelling

Minutes May 6, 2021


A meeting of the Board of Directors was held virtually in North Berwick, Maine on May 6, 2021 at 6:45 p.m. with all members present except Mrs. Hopper. The student representative was absent. There was 1 in the audience.

Ms. Potter made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to enter executive session Executive Session 1MRSA §405(6)(A) Appointment of Employee. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. In at 6:47 pm. Out at 7:05 pm.

Public Input for May 6, 2021:

Mr. Legget of Lebanon shared with the board his concern regarding the DOE newsletter released in December of 2020 regarding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. There was some specific language that concerned Mr. Legget in that it implied that all systems were supporting inequity and that we are potentially racist. He feels strongly that the school system has done a good job and that there is no racism. He is concerned that staff who are reading the DOE newsletter may be interpreting this information differently and may be not necessarily following the board’s direction. He asked that the board take the lead in this conversation.

The Assistant Superintendent then read the other public input.

Ms. Potter made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to accept the minutes of March 25,2021. All members voted in favor except Ms. Manley who abstained and the motion passed.

Ms. Potter made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Doiron to accept the minutes of April 1, 2021 All members voted in favor except Ms. Schaeffer, who abstained and the motion passed.

Ms. Potter made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Corliss to accept the minutes of April 15, 2021. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.

Student report: None at this time.

The Superintendent discussed with the board the annual authorization to transfer funds of up to 5% of line items in the budget as the fiscal year comes to a close. Mr. Doinron made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Corliss to approve the following: Pursuant to section 1485(4) of Title 20-A, the Superintendent of Schools be authorized to transfer not more than 5% of the total appropriation for any cost center in the current fiscal year operating budget to another cost center or among other cost centers, provided that the total current fiscal year operating budget shall not be increased by such transfers. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.

The superintendent updated the board on:

Attendance…Student attendance for the week of 4/26 ranged from 89% to 94%

Student attendance for the week of 5/3 ranged from 89% to 97%

Staff attendance for the week of 4/26 was at 95%

Staff attendance for the week of 5/3 ranged from 93% to 97%

Athletics has been very busy. The current records at this time are:

Baseball 3-1

Softball 2-2

Girl’s LAX 0-4

Boys LAX 1-2

Track numbers are strong and first meets were underway.

The masking requirement has been lifted based on the Maine Principals Association guidance. We are following that guidance.

Ms. Mallett asked about how many of our teachers were vaccinated. We have 120 plus staff who have provided documentation of vaccination. There are likely many more who have not turned in their documentation.


Ms. Shawna Street, Counselor at NBES, requested a LOA for the 2021/2022 school year. Mr. Doiron made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert, to approve the leave of absence. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.

The Superintendent shared the retirement letter of Ms. Sharon Thompson, PE teacher at the Hussey School in Berwick. Sharon has worked for the district for 36 years. Ms. Potter made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to accept the retirement of Ms. Thompson with regret. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.

The Superintendent shared with the board the names of probationary 1 teachers moving to Probationary 2 status.

Mr. Doiron made the motion and it was seconded by Neubert to approve the list of Probationary 1 teachers moving to Probationary 2 status. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.

The Superintendent shared with the board the names of probationary 2 teachers moving to Probationary 3 status

Mr. Doiron made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to approve the list of Probationary 2 teachers moving to Probationary 3 status. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.

The Superintendent shared with the board the names of probationary 3 teachers moving to Continuing Contract status.

Mr. Doiron made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Neubert to approve the list of Probationary 3 teachers moving toContinuing Contract status. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.

Resignation: Superintendent Beauvais shared the resignations of the following professional staff:

Ms. Brooke Valencia of North Berwick Elementary School, Ms. Donna Temm of Lebanon Elementary School, Ms. Elizabeth Caverly and Ms. Rebecca Bolstridge of Knowlton School, Ms. Heidi Schuel of Noble Middle School, Ms. Sloan Sorrell of Mary Hurd School, Ms. Helen Stamos and Mr. James Sutter both of Noble High School.

Ms. Potter made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to accept the resignations of Ms. Valencia, Ms. Temm, Ms. Caverly, Ms. Bolstridge, Ms. Schedule, Ms. Sorrel, Ms. Stamos and Mr. Sutter. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.

Superintendent Report: The School Nutrition Program received a $5000 grant through the Full Plate/Full Potential Program. Kudos to Ms. Hubbell!

York County Superintendent meeting discussed vaccination clinics through the school systems. At some point students will be offered vaccinations and we will be partnering with York Hospital to offer those.

The board was updated on presentations of the budget to the Selectmen in each town. North Berwick meeting was Tuesday, May 4, Berwick is Tuesday May 11 via ZOOM and Lebanon is Thursday May 13th at 5:30 pm.


The board then discussed the potential proposed plan of bringing the elementary school aged children back to school for an extra 30-45 minutes in the morning. This would mean starting the day at the “normal'' start time from years past. There was a lot of feedback on if this would be helpful to students or not. The board left the conversation asking for the Superintendent to gather more information about transportation and long term benefit. They will hear back from the Superintendent over the next several days and make a decision from there.

Reminder that Graduation is on June 12th and that the seating is limited due to Covid guidelines.

Ms. Potter made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Adjourned at 9:00 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Audra Beauvais


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