A meeting of the Board of Directors was held virtually and in person at Noble High School on December 17, 2020 at 7:00 pm, with all members present virtually except Mr. Doiron, Ms. Hopper and Ms. Schaeffer.
Ms. Neubert shared the public input statement.
Public Input: None at this time.
Ms. Potter made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to accept the minutes of December10, 2020 as amended. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.
The board then reviewed the district monthly financial report. No questions were asked and the board appreciated the update.
Ms. Amy Creighton, Director of Nursing for the district shared with the board an update on the recent cases throughout the past week. We had several scenarios that needed to be addressed. The fact that we had moved to remote learning already, the impact has been less than what would have occurred had we all been in person. She also reiterated that the rules are shifting in terms of hard and fast facts and what should happen from the CDC point of view. She also shared with the board that we will continue to provide information to families of any positive cases of COVID-19 throughout the December Break. This is important because of our commitment to notify the school community each time we are made aware of a positive case and it is also necessary in order to be sure that close contacts of a positive case have been notified. Our notification format will be a bit different over break as we will likely send out only one letter. That letter will list a specific district location, a teacher/team name, or bus number and include specific information regarding quarantining if identified as a close contact. This will ensure we do not inadvertently miss notifying a close contact. The initial contact method (Messenger) will remain the same.
Attendance update. The staff ranged from 95% to 98%.
The student range was 86%-98%. Still strong numbers for attendance at all levels.
School nutrition update: The food bags are being prepared and will be sent out early next week for distribution to all families who signed up.
Transportation: With remote learning, obvious lesser needs for transportation. However, Sanford Regional Technical Center is in session and we will be sending our students via school transportation Friday, Monday and Tuesday.
Athletics: We are currently still in the yellow and therefore can’t have actual athletics. However the coaches will still be reaching out to students to maintain connections etc.
The board asked questions about programs that provide supports for specialized instruction. The board is interested in having some mini presentations from groups in the future.
The Superintendent shared with the board the name of Erin Frazier as a candidate for a special education position at the Knowlton School. Ms. Neubert made the motion and Ms. Potter seconded the approval of Ms. Erin Frazier as special education teacher at the Knowlton school. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.
Ms. Mallett shared her thanks to the administration and all the staff for the hard work and making it to Christmas break!
Ms. Potter made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to adjourn. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.
Adjourned at 7:38 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Audra Beauvais