A meeting of the Board of Directors was held virtually at Noble High School on January 21, 2021 at 7:00 pm, with all members present virtually.
Ms. Neubert shared the public input statement.
Public Input:
Mr. Kevin Gray of North Berwick shared:
Part of tonight’s meeting as I understand is going to be discussing the return to in-person athletics since the MPA has now pushed the decision to the individual schools. As a parent, coach, and community member I have seen firsthand the negative mental and physical impacts that are transpiring due to the lack of in-person opportunities. As members of the school board, you have agreed to heed the mission of our district which is I quote “We empower all students to develop enthusiasm for learning, foster confidence through successes and failures, provide service to others, and achieve their personal, social, and academic best, leading to fulfilling and engaged lives for all” By allowing athletics in person, we will be giving them a path that has been blocked for too long. They crave and plead for the opportunity to again develop some enthusiasm for learning that is not through zoom or google meets. Our kids are losing the opportunity to foster and grow true relationships that help them achieve their personal, social, and academic best. I have the utmost confidence that given the opportunity our Athletic Department, Athletic Training Staff, and Coaches will provide safe environments for our kids, staff, and community. I do not take lightly the decision and constant decisions that your board makes. No matter the answer your inbox will undoubtedly be peppered with unhappy community members. I ask that you go back to the Mission Statement and find what is right for our students.
Ms. Potter made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Hagenbuch to accept the minutes of January 7, 2021 as amended. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.
The Superintendent then shared with the board two donations that are informational only, not required votes. One is from Andrew Earl of Earl Enterprises which was a donation of 162 yards of fabric to the drama program. The other was a donation of $40 from a local 6th grade student to the Backpack Program. He shared that he wanted to provide support to a positive local cause.
PD update: The Superintendent shared with the board the professional development opportunities she and the Assistant Superintendent attended last week. They attended the 27th annual Winter Convocation from Maine School Superintendent Association. The focus was Equity in education and the lead speaker was Lawerence Alexander. We will be conducting an equity audit in the near future and will be working with a team of staff at Noble High School who has formed to address equity issues there and throughout our district.
Next Wednesday, the administrative team will be meeting with attorney Isabel Eckman from Drummond Woodsome to review the changes to the Title IX laws and how it impacts schools.
The Superintendent also gave a very brief overview of a memo from the Maine School Superintendents Association that noted that the governor had requested 45 million more in funding for education over the biennium. This results in a smaller reduction in our state aid than was earlier anticipated. We won't know final numbers until the first of February, but this was very good news. Ms. Van Campen, business manager, will provide more of an update at the next board meeting.
Remote update: The Superintendent then shared with the board the impact of the change for some families to either hybrid from remote or from remote to hybrid based on the deadline of last week. There are 274 students in our remote learning academy grades K-5. There was a change of 12 students going from remote to hybrid and 6 students going from hybrid to remote. This leaves a reduction of numbers of students in remote by 6 for a total of 268 students. We believe this says a lot for the model we have in place.
At the middle school, there was a change from hybrid to remote of 20 students and 6 students moved from remote to hybrid. Overall change was an additional 14 students moving to remote. Rather than adding those students to the fully remote team (which is already quite full), the middle school administrative team and the teachers were able to incorporate those students into remote with their current teachers. The increased technology provided to staff and students made this possible.
Attendance update. The staff ranged from 92% to 97%. The student range was 87%-96%. Still strong numbers for attendance at all levels.
Transportation: All set and able to accommodate any of the changes that have occurred with students returning to in person classes.
Athletics: The Maine Principals Association very recently shared that they were recommending that athletics be able to return even during the Yellow status (which had up until this point meant that no athletics could take place). The Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent shared that they had met with the Noble HS Principal, Athletic Director and Assistant Athletic Director as well as the Athletic Trainer and Director of Nurses to discuss the possible options. The athletics department had developed a very clear protocol and the administrations proposed the following timeline for a return to in person sports and extracurricular activities.
Week of January 25th… in person team meetings with athletes/participants and their coaches/advisors. Review protocols, discuss regulations and consequences if protocols were not followed, disseminate and collect paperwork, etc.
Week of February 1st… Begin conditioning, skills, drills, provide opportunities for athletes to physically come back into a team setting with all protocols, distancing, etc. No contact. No sharing of equipment, etc.
Week of February 8th… More extensive practices with potential for practice of offensive and defensive tactics. Potential for the movement to small team scrimmages.
February Vacation… continuation of practices.
It is imperative to note: Throughout this, we will be monitoring the situation and ALL of this is subject to change based on exposures etc. If one student on a team or club tests positive, it is likely that all team members and coaches will be considered close contacts. Seven of our 17 coaches are also teachers so this could impact academics as well.
Board members shared their concerns about this potential extra exposure for students and community members. Other board members shared their belief that this is an important step for students to feel more connected. No one knows the right answer, but overall the board felt that it was important to follow a cautious approach and allow athletics and extracurricular activities to begin under this timeline.
Next meeting will be February 4th and we can be in person if folks would like to attend in person in the library. The meeting of February 18th will be during February vacation and will be remote.
Ms. Mallett noted that feedback from students is that the new technology has made a huge difference. At the high school level it was noted in particular.
Ms. Corliss asked about the student representation. We are still working on finding those students. We have a meeting with one young person next week.
Ms. Neubert made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Corliss to adjourn. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.
Adjourned at 8:05 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Audra Beauvais