A meeting of the Board of Directors was held virtually and in person in North Berwick, Maine on June 3, 2021 at 7:15 p.m. with all members present except Ms. Hopper. The student representative was absent. There were 6 in the audience.
Public Input for June 3, 2021: No public Input
Ms. Potter made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to accept the minutes of
May 20, 2021. All members voted in favor except Ms. Malett and Ms. Schaeffer who abstained and the motion passed.
Student report: None at this time.
The Noble Online Learning Academy (NOLA) student council shared an overview of the work that they were able to complete in the area of community service over the past year. Ms. Brigette Dumont shared with the board pictures and details of their work. They had food drives to support the food pantry, the backpack program, and the animal welfare society. They also shared a thank you to all of the teachers and supporters that they have encountered and appreciate what they have done for them.
Ms. Hopper joined the meeting at 7:25 pm.
The following new staff were presented to the board for approval: Catherine Brady, Heather Carver, Tylor Dupont, Jackie McGarry, Lisa Bilecki, Kelly Woodhouse, Casey Powden. Ms. Neubert made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Corliss to approve all nominated staff, members voted in favor and the motion passed.
Educational Update: The Superintendent shared the programming for educational recovery.
Special Education:
We have offered 4 hours on Thursday for anybody who is interested. Teacher or parent referral. We sent surveys out to all parents. We have about 100 students interested. It will look like a typical elementary school day. Morning meeting, some academics, some structured social activities and lunch. This is not IEP driven for most (although there are a few who are having IEP services). The plan for "true recovery" is to discuss at each IEP meeting in the fall and then make an individual plan for each child.
The Elementary programs will be running regular summer school programming and support in math and language arts. The Middle School and High School will run their summer school programs to support students moving forward academically.
Superintendent update:
An update on Staff vaccinations: At this point approximately 33% of our entire staff (number wise) have shared that they are vaccinated.
Ms. Mallett shared that several of us had just attended the Noble Adult and Community Education graduation and shared her feelings about how impressed she was with the ceremony, the students and the process. She encouraged all of the board members to attend if the opportunity arises in the future.
Ms. Mallett also expressed a thought of providing a mentor to new board members as they come onto the board. She asked that people be thinking about how to provide the support.
Mr. Doiron made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Corliss to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Adjourned at 7:41 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Audra Beauvais