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Writer's pictureJennifer Flewelling

Minutes of May 21, 2020


A meeting of the Board of Directors was held virtually on May 21 2020 at 7:00 pm, with all members present except Ms. Hopper. There were 7 people in the audience.

Ms. Mallett, Berwick Board Member shared the explanatory statements regarding public input.

Public Input: None at this time

The minutes of May 7, 2020 were reviewed. Ms. Beal made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to accept the minutes of May 7, 2020 as amended. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.

No student report today.

The Superintendent shared with the board that the teachers union had approved the contract presented for the 20/21 school year. Mr. Doiron made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to approve the teacher contract as presented. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.

Noble Strong t-shirts update. To date we have received funding for 1398 t-shirts. Local business, Bubba Frye’s also made a $500 donation and ordered t-shrits for all of his staff. mr.Neubert made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Doiron to gratefully accept the $500 donation. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.

The Superintendent then shared with the board an update from the FDA. If you are a district of 50% or above free and reduced we could continue to offer feedings. We are not at that rate so currently our students will need to access the program in neighboring districts (Sanford) where it can be offered. We are still waiting to hear from the federal gov’t to see if we can have a waiver to provide the feedings here in district.

The superintendent shared with the board the Financial Summary for April 2020.

The Superintendent discussed with the board the annual request to authorize the Superintendent to shift 5% between cost centers. This allows flexibility with funding within a small percentage and provides the ability to take care of small fluctuations within cost centers. Mr. Doiron made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Corliss to authorize the superintendent to shift 5% between cost centers as necessary. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.

The Superintendent presented the Assistant Superintendent Contract to the board. Ms. Beal made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Doiron to approve the contract as presented. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.

The Superintendent presented the Business Manager Contract to the board. Ms. Beal made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Doiron to approve the contract as presented. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.

The Superintendent presented the probationary Administrators Contracts. (Insert names here) Mr. Doiron made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Beal to approve the probationary administrative contracts as presented. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.

The Superintendent presented the Administrators Contracts. (Insert names here) Mr. Doiron made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Beal to approve the probationary administrative contracts as presented. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.

The Superintendent then reviewed the upcoming summer meeting dates for the board. Currently June 4, 2020, June 18, 2020 potentially June 23rd and June 25, 2020.

The superintendent updated the board on Student Waiver days. Students' last day is May 29th. Teachers finish up in mid June.

The board held a brief general discussion about the decision to only pay a portion of the pay for spring head coaches due to the pandemic. It was a

Employment: New Hires, Retirement and Resignation

New Hire- Nicole Harvey- Hussey Grade 1

Sam Lenson- NMS PE

Matt Hosmer- NHS 8 Grade Math

AJ Dufort- NHS Assistant Principal

Jim Domoracki- Varsity Boys Basketball

Corey Tondreau-8/9 case manager NHS

Nadine Fenderson Social Worker, Lebanon

Mark Hubbard, guidance, Lebanon

Ms. Neubert made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Beal to approve the above hires as provided. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.

Resignation- Morgan Ross; NHS Anticipated Gr 8 Math

Michelle Raymond- Hussey Gr 3

Ms Beal made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Corliss to accept the resignations as presented. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.


The Superintendent shared with the board that we are having some difficulty with field use by the public and that we are unfortunately having to ask folks to leave when they are congregating in larger than is acceptable groups. We are still allowing and encouraging individuals and small groups to use the track etc. for non group activities. But team sports and activities are still not allowable under the current state guidelines. It’s unfortunate that we are in a position of policing the property, but we do feel an obligation to be sure that we are maintaining, as much as possible, state guidelines.

One more note of thanks and appreciation to all of our staff for being flexible, supportive and encouraging as we navigate these very difficult times. Students and parents as well have been incredible. We appreciate the ongoing support and willingness to flex with the system as we work through these very strange times. Students’ last day is May 29th and teachers last day is June 17th. Our seniors will participate in their graduation ceremony on June 12th.

Ms. Beal made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Corliss to adjourn. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.

Adjourned at 8:20 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Steve Connolly

Secretary of the Board


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