A meeting of the Board of Directors was held virtually and in person at Noble High School on Sept. 17, 2020 at 6:30 pm, with all members present except Ms. Hopper and Ms. Schaeffer. Virtually present: Mr. Doiron, Ms. Manly and Ms. Hagenbuch.
Ms. Potter made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to go into executive session for the readmission of a student pursuant to 1 MRSA §405(6)(B). All members voted in favor and the motion passed. In at 6:35 out at 7:00 pm
Ms. Neubert made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Potter to readmit the student under consideration. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.
Public Input Questions and responses are here.
Ms. Neubert made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Potter to accept the minutes of September 3, 2020. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.
Ms. Corliss made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to accept the donations as listed: Green Truck Farms- Noble Community Lunch Fund $1,000, Mick Bodyworks & Truck Repair, INC Noble Community Lunch Program $500, Raymond and Evelyn Pelletier Noble Community Lunch Program $500, Arundel Ford Noble Community Lunch Program $500, First Parish Federated Church- MSAD #60 Backpack Program $2,000, Marcelle and Jonathan Polletta- MSAD #60 Backpack Program $1,000, Katie McClay Book Donation TTB- 465 new and gently used/like new books. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.
Opening Day Enrollment Numbers:
The Superintendent shared the following data regarding opening day enrollments:
VEH- 268 in person learners and 89 remote learners with an attendance rate of 97%.
ELKS- 139 in person learners and 37 remote learners with an attendance rate of 94%.
NBES- 222 in person learners and 52 remote learners with an attendance rate of 97%.
Hanson-203 in person learners and 53 remote learners with an attendance rate of 95%.
LES- 137 in person learners and 28 remote learners with an attendance rate of 96%.
NHS- 1200 learners with an attendance rate of 96%
NMS- 491 learners with an attendance rate of 95%.
Total enrollment for MSAD #60 is 3014 students.
Staff attendance was 98.5%. Absences were primarily due to maternity leave, surgery and jury duty.
Aaron Watson, Athletic Director, shared with the board an update regarding the athletics at this time. Due to the fact that the county is yellow, there are no options for in person sports however our coaches are working with their athletes virtually.
No Middle School Athletics due to the league cancelling the season. Health and safety in our buildings is the primary concern. The middle school will hopefully have an opportunity to have an intramural sports program that may be developed.
Emergency action plans have been updated for all of our fields and facilities. Alex Fusco, our athletic trainer, headed up the revision of those plans.
MPA has determined that Football and Volleyball are not able to be safely played at this time. There are other programs that can be played if the county returns to a designated green.
Mr. Watson shared his enthusiasm for his job and for the role of athletics in the student’s lives.
The Superintendent shared with the board that we had several teacher new hires. Kristina Zarrilli- NHS Guidance, Amanda MacDougall- Noble 4/5 Guidance, Tina Demers- Speech and Language Stephanie Ciccanesi- Hussey Literacy Coach.
Ms. Potter made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to approve the nominations of Ms. Zarrilli, Ms. MacDouall, Ms. Demers and Ms. Ciccanesi. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.
Mr. Doiron asked about the facilities and finance committees as well as the construction committee. We will provide an update at the next meeting.
Ms. Potter made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Corliss to adjourn. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.
Adjourned at 7:45 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Audra Beauvais