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Minutes of November 3, 2022

Writer: Jennifer FlewellingJennifer Flewelling


Current Board Members-

North Berwick- Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Lynn Manley

Berwick- Travis Doiron, Elva Lovejoy, Denise Mallett

Lebanon- Victoria Travers, Stephanie Hagenbuch, Nancy Neubert

Student Representative- Echo Balistreri

A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person in North Berwick, Maine on November 3, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. with all members attending except Ms. Travers and Ms. Mallett. 1 in the audience.

The vice chair shared the public input statement.

Ms. Travers entered the meeting at 7:03 pm.

Ms. Mallett joined the meeting at 7:04 pm.

Public Input: None at this time

Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Doiron to approve the minutes of October 20 as amended. All members voted in favor except Ms. Neubert, who abstained, and the motion passed.

Student Report: Ms. Echo Balistreri, student board representative, shared with the board the student report:

Biking Club: met this Tuesday- students brought bikes to the school- Beau Lambert’s goals: students can learn how to repair the bikes they already have, help them to make jewelry utilizing parts of a bike (spokes) and organize group rides

Rise: 8-12th grade students watched “The First Day”-- a film by Chris Herron --

Highlights the significance of the beginning of a substance or mental disorder rather than just focusing on the end.

When people think of a drug addict they tend to imagine a rough looking individual who is on the brink of death rather than a physically normal looking person who excels in sports and appears to be “fine”.

This set a heavier and more thoughtful tone for the remainder of the day- students and staff could reflect on their life and how they may be able to return to healthy habits themselves.

The board then held a second review of the tri fold document that is provided at board meetings. More feedback was received and we will incorporate that for the third review at the next board meeting.

MSMA conference update: The Superintendent and the Assistant Superintendent shared with the board the various sessions that were attended at the Maine School Board Association (put on by Maine School Management) conference in Augusta on October 27 and 28. There were excellent sessions focusing on strategic planning, teacher hiring and retention, use of social media, school to work programs, etc. It was a very worthwhile opportunity.

Safety Forum update. This was held at 5:30 pm today. The presentation was taped and will be up on our website as well as our facebook pages today. Officer Koelker, Officer Fogg and the Superintendent shared information about our safety plans (without specific details). There were not many in the audience, but the availability on line will help and will bring up more questions for sure.

Employment Update:

Ms. Amanda Logan, special education teacher at the Knowlton School, tendered her resignation. Ms. Neubert made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy to accept the letter of resignation of Ms. Logan. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.

Other Business:

Mr. Doiron made the motion and it was accepted by Ms. Lovejoy to add in an executive session for Employee information. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.

Mr. Doiron extended an invitation on behalf of the Berwick Christmas Parade Committee to march in the parade representing the MSAD 60 School Board. Please be at the Prime Tanning Parking lot at 1:15 on December 3rd if you are able to join in the parade.

The Assistant Superintendent shared that we will be looking for a charge to begin developing the next five year strategic plan as our current plan ends in June of 2023. A timeline will be developed and shared at the next board meeting.

Ms. Neubert made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Doiron to charge the Central Office with updating the MSAD 60 5 year Strategic Plan. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.

Ms. Lovejoy made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Doiron to go into executive session pursuant to 1M.R.S.A. §405(6)(A) Assignment of Officials/Appointees/Employees. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. In at 7:56 pm. Out at 8:09 pm.

Ms. Lovejoy made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to go into executive session pursuant to 1M.R.S.A. §405(6)(D) Labor Contract Discussion- Teacher. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. In at 8:10 pm. Out at 8:25 pm.

Ms. Lovejoy made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Travers to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.

Adjourned at 8:25 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Audra Beauvais

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Audra Beauvais

Noble Shield


Susan S. Austin

Susan Austin

Phone: 207-676-2234

Fax: 207-676-3229

100 Noble Way, North Berwick, ME 03906

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