June 8, 2021
Dear Parents and Guardians,
York Hospital will be hosting a Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine clinic for age-eligible students on Thursday, June 10th from 2:30 - 5:00 pm in the big gym at Noble High School.
The Pfizer vaccine is a two dose series available for children ages 12+ authorized by the Food and Drug Administration under an Emergency Use Authorization.
If you are interested in signing your child up for this optional vaccine, please review the attached documents and bring the completed registration form on each day of the clinic (a new form will be needed on each vaccination day). Paper copies will be made available at the Noble Health Center if you would like your student to bring one home ahead of time. Please park in the "B" or "C" Parking lot and enter the school through the athletic wing on the day of the clinics. When arriving at the vaccine clinic, please enter directly into the gym (not the athletic entrance) and please do not attempt to enter the school prior to the start of the clinic at 2:30, we need time to complete our school dismissal process safely.
If your child participates in this clinic, or has already received their two doses of the covid-19 vaccine, providing a copy of their vaccine card to the school nurse will help when performing contact tracing in future covid cases in our schools. Once your child is "fully vaccinated" (14 days after their last dose), they will no longer need to be considered as a "close contact" and will not need to quarantine if exposed to Covid-19.
Proof of vaccination can be faxed to the Noble Health Center (207) 676-2204, emailed to amy.creighton@msad60.org, or a paper copy can be brought in or mailed to 100 Noble Way, North Berwick, ME 03906.
Audra Beauvais
Superintendent of Schools