December 16, 2020
Dear Staff, Students, and Families,
This letter is to inform you that there has been an individual associated with the North Berwick Elementary School who has tested positive for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). There is a possibility that other staff or students came in contact with this individual and therefore may be exposed to the virus. We are informing you out of an abundance of caution. Please monitor yourself/your student for signs and symptoms. Call a health care provider if symptoms start. It is important that you call a health care facility before you show up in person. And please, stay home if you are sick.
School representatives have notified those directly who have been identified as a close contact of someone who has tested positive. The CDC will also be contacting these families as well as any others who may be identified as close contacts as contact tracing begins. Close contacts will be asked to quarantine for 10 days from last exposure to the positive individual. A negative test result does not release an individual from quarantine.
Audra Beauvais
Superintendent of Schools