November 6, 2020
Dear NOBLE Community;
With the colder temperatures comes increased opportunities for inclement weather. This includes Snow Days or days when a town or school building experiences power outages. Prior to this year, Snow Days/Inclement Weather Days were made up in June at the end of our school calendar. An unintended “silver lining” as a result of our Hybrid Plan is that we can now count a Snow/Inclement Weather Day as a “remote” student day as long as we provide an opportunity for students to have lunch as part of the instructional day. That means we can “count the day” as a learning day and do not need to make it up in June.
That said, our first two “official” Snow/Inclement Weather days will follow the traditional model. We want our students to experience the “magic” of the snow day experience as these last several months have been challenging! When we announce the Snow Day, again for the first two inclement weather days, it will mean no in-school or remote learning for any students in the district. After the second Snow/Inclement Weather day we will then move to a remote model for Snow/Inclement Weather Days. More details on remote Snow Days be forthcoming but we want this correspondence focused on meals.
Our School Nutrition Director, Abbey Pelletier, has been working to creatively solve the question, “How do we provide lunch when students are home for an inclement weather day?” The most streamlined solution is to offer families an opportunity to sign up for shelf-stable meals to be stored at home and used on those Snow/Inclement Weather days.
Over the next day or two, please be on the lookout for a registration form sent directly from the School Nutrition office. This form will allow families to sign up for shelf-stable meals to be used in the event of a Snow/Inclement Weather Day.
In order to be prepared for an unexpected weather related remote learning day, starting next week, students at all grade levels will transport their devices to and from school daily.
To summarize:
The School Nutrition Office will be sending out a form for families to sign up for shelf-stable meals to be used for Snow/Inclement Weather Days. This is open to any family and totally optional.
All students will be transporting their school district issued devices to and from school daily so we are prepared for any weather event.
The first two “Snow Days” will follow our traditional model with no staff or students in the schools or learning remotely. After the second “Snow Day”, all others will automatically become a remote learning day and students are expected to be present for online instruction. Attendance will be taken. More information to follow with specifics on the Remote Snow Days.
Please contact the School Nutrition Office at your child’s school should you have additional questions.
Audra E. Beauvais
Superintendent of Schools